Social Enterprises as Job Creators in Africa
The Potential of Social Enterprise to Provide Employment Opportunities in 12 African Countries 2020-2030
We are proud to be the Editing Partner for this large-scale study by Siemens Stiftung.
The study was funded by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH as part of the Special Initiative on Training and Job Creation of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
The Trilogy identifies job-creating and job-inhibiting factors that are relevant to social enterprises, examines demographic perspectives of the African labor market and determines the quantified job creation potential of social enterprises. It also includes a range of recommendations on how social enterprises’ job creation potential can be leveraged.
We hope the results will encourage many interested stakeholders to develop projects that create more and better jobs in Africa. Do not hesitate to contact us, if you want to engage as a sparrings partner or share project ideas!
You can download the full reports >here<